
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
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NSIC sign MOU with MEPMA

An MOU was signed for Employment through Skill Training and Placement of Urban Un-employed Youth under Placement Linked Skill Training Programme of (DAY-NULM) MEPMA, between Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas (MEPMA), Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department, Govt. of Telangana represented by its Mission Director Dr. T. K. Sreedevi, IAS and The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.-NSIC, New Delhi represented by Chairman cum Managing Director Sh. Ravindra Nath, on 7th October 2017 at Hyderabad. MOU was signed in presence of Sh. Satvinder Singh, CGM (Technology), Sh. K Srinivas, Zonal Head, South-II, Sh. A B Prabhu Raj, GM, NTSC Hyderabad & Sh. N Madana Mohan, DGM, NTSC Hyderabad and MEPMA representatives. This MOU will strengthen NSICs sponsored training activities and fulfill its commitment to train more & more trainees and provide them employment. Under this MOU, NTSC Hyderabad proposes to train the Urban Un-employed Youth in 18 different Skill Development training programs and will provide placement assistance through Job Fairs to be organized once in every two months.

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href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1574120975959243/1574120619292612/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view  more images.</p></font></a>

<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 11, 2017 </font></p>

An MOU was signed for Employment through Skill Training and Placement of Urban Un-employed Youth under Placement Linked Skill Training Programme of (DAY-NULM) MEPMA, between Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas (MEPMA), Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department, Govt. of Telangana represented by its Mission Director Dr. T. K. Sreedevi, IAS and The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.-NSIC, New Delhi represented by Chairman cum Managing Director Sh. Ravindra Nath, on 7th October 2017 at Hyderabad. MOU was signed in presence of Sh. Satvinder Singh, CGM (Technology), Sh. K Srinivas, Zonal Head, South-II, Sh. A B Prabhu Raj, GM, NTSC Hyderabad & Sh. N Madana Mohan, DGM, NTSC Hyderabad and MEPMA representatives. This MOU will strengthen NSICs sponsored training activities and fulfill its commitment to train more & more trainees and provide them employment. Under this MOU, NTSC Hyderabad proposes to train the Urban Un-employed Youth in 18 different Skill Development training programs and will provide placement assistance through Job Fairs to be organized once in every two months. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1574120975959243/1574120619292612/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view more images.</p></font></a> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 11, 2017 </font></p>

11 Oct 2017