
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


NSIC Technical Services Centre Hyderabad, Telangana

NSIC Technical Services Centre, Hyderabad is one of the Technical Services Centre of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), an ISO 9001:2015 certified Government of India Enterprise. The Technical Services Centre, Hyderabad is serving MSME units by providing skilled & professional workforce through its training programs on demand driven, industry oriented courses in the fields like Mechanical Workshop, Information Technology, CAD/CAM & CNC, Multimedia, Electrical & Electronics, and Entrepreneurship Development. The curriculum of each training program is defined in such a way so as to give maximum practical exposure through practical training to the trainees.

More than 40,000 trainees are trained by the Centre and successfully placed in reputed companies through campus placement.

The Centre also facilitates industries by providing Common Facility Services for CNC Machining Jobs and Energy Auditing.

The Centre has well equipped laboratories, workshop, Conference Hall, Meeting Hall, Class rooms, Library, Latest Software, Internet facility available and all Labs are setup with latest and sophisticated equipments / machine to meet current Technological requirements and Trend.

The Centre also conducts customized training Program to cater to the specific training needs of the industries on request. The prime objective of this Centre is to develop professional and technical skills of educated and unemployed youth by providing skill development training for self-employment.

Description File
Training Calendar - Electrical  View
Training Calendar - Electronics and Communication Engineering  View
Training Calendar - Mechanical  View
Training Calendar - Software - I Module  View
Training Calendar - Software - II Module  View
Training program by online/ virtual mode during Covid 19 pandemic condition.  View
Certificate Courses offered under SBTET Govt.of Telengana  View
State Board Of Technical Education And Training (SBTET Telangana), Affiliated / Approved Certificate Courses  View
E-Book : Prospectus on Training Program  View
Brochure of NTSC Hyderabad  View
Common Facility Services  View
Success Stories, Job Mela and other activities  
Success Stories of trainees passed out from NTSC Hyderabad 2023-24  View
Job Mela 09.02.2024  View
Job Mela 21.12.2023  View

Updated : 29.01.2025