
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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A Special Vendor Development Programme on 25.09.2017 in association with NTPC, Lucknow for Special Category (S.C/ST) at NTPC Hall, NTPC Regional office, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow

Branch office Lucknow participated in One day Special Vendor Development Programme on 25.09.2017 in association with NTPC, Lucknow for Special Category Entrepreneurs. (S.C/ST) . The objective of the Programme was to increase the share of MSEs in Government Purchase with special emphasis on Registration of NTPC Vendors under our Govt. Purchase Scheme.  In the said programme officials from MSME-DI, Kanpur, KVIC, Lucknow, District Industry Centre, Lucknow, and Senior officials from NTPC were also present. The Chief Guest of the programme was Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta, General Manager (C&M), NTPC, Lucknow.
Sh. A.K Srivastava, Branch Manager explained the Scheme of NSIC as well as Public Procurement Policy, with special emphasis on Govt. Purchase Programme & FFC. Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta, General Manager, NTPC Lucknow in their closing remarks emphasised their vendors for registering in NTPC and also under Government Purchase Registration Scheme of NSIC and  also highlighted their Purchase Procedure of Goods & Services. 
The units shown interest in Vendor Registration of NTPC and also in G.P. Registration The programme was attended by more than 100 nos. of Entrepreneurs/Vendors and officials. Photographs of the programme are enclosed.

Branch office Lucknow participated in One day Special Vendor Development Programme on 25.09.2017 in association with NTPC, Lucknow for Special Category Entrepreneurs. (S.C/ST) . The objective of the Programme was to increase the share of MSEs in Government Purchase with special emphasis on Registration of NTPC Vendors under our Govt. Purchase Scheme. In the said programme officials from MSME-DI, Kanpur, KVIC, Lucknow, District Industry Centre, Lucknow, and Senior officials from NTPC were also present. The Chief Guest of the programme was Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta, General Manager (C&M), NTPC, Lucknow. Sh. A.K Srivastava, Branch Manager explained the Scheme of NSIC as well as Public Procurement Policy, with special emphasis on Govt. Purchase Programme & FFC. Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta, General Manager, NTPC Lucknow in their closing remarks emphasised their vendors for registering in NTPC and also under Government Purchase Registration Scheme of NSIC and also highlighted their Purchase Procedure of Goods & Services. The units shown interest in Vendor Registration of NTPC and also in G.P. Registration The programme was attended by more than 100 nos. of Entrepreneurs/Vendors and officials. Photographs of the programme are enclosed.

18 Oct 2017