
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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Smt. Alka Arora, Joint Secretary (SME) and Sh. P.Udayakumar Director (P&M) NSIC visited Bangalore on 07-08, May 2019 and met Secretary, MSME, Government of Karnataka and Commissioner of Industries, Government of Karnataka.

Smt. Alka Arora, Joint Secretary (SME) and Sh. P.Udayakumar Director (P&M) NSIC visited Bangalore on 07-08, May 2019 and met Secretary, MSME, Government of Karnataka and Commissioner of Industries, Government of Karnataka and held detailed discussion about enhancing the reach of Ministry of MSME schemes with the active involvement and support of State Government. Also discussed about the  support of State Government for reviving the MSME DEFEXPO - 2019. Secretary, MSME, GOK, assured to provide all the required support from the Government of Karnataka. Also discussed about the NSSH activities and sought the closer participation of State Government Institutes/Departments to enhance the SC-ST beneficiaries.For reviving the MSME DEFEXPO an Interactive meeting was held with MSME associations office Bearers of all the leading associations of Karnataka viz., KASSIA, FKCCI, Peenya Industries Association, COWE, AWAKE, eMERG,LUB - Karnataka, FISME, ASSOCHEM (Souther Region), CLIK and DHEEP. All the participants gave their suggestions and valuable feedback and appreciated the initiative take by the Ministry for deciding to hold such first consultation meeting at Bangalore.Visited Zonal office and interacted with the officers of the Corporation . CGM, South - I made presentation on achievements of Zone South - I and briefed about the significant achievements of 2018-2019.

Smt. Alka Arora, Joint Secretary (SME) and Sh. P.Udayakumar Director (P&M) NSIC visited Bangalore on 07-08, May 2019 and met Secretary, MSME, Government of Karnataka and Commissioner of Industries, Government of Karnataka and held detailed discussion about enhancing the reach of Ministry of MSME schemes with the active involvement and support of State Government. Also discussed about the support of State Government for reviving the MSME DEFEXPO - 2019. Secretary, MSME, GOK, assured to provide all the required support from the Government of Karnataka. Also discussed about the NSSH activities and sought the closer participation of State Government Institutes/Departments to enhance the SC-ST beneficiaries.For reviving the MSME DEFEXPO an Interactive meeting was held with MSME associations office Bearers of all the leading associations of Karnataka viz., KASSIA, FKCCI, Peenya Industries Association, COWE, AWAKE, eMERG,LUB - Karnataka, FISME, ASSOCHEM (Souther Region), CLIK and DHEEP. All the participants gave their suggestions and valuable feedback and appreciated the initiative take by the Ministry for deciding to hold such first consultation meeting at Bangalore.Visited Zonal office and interacted with the officers of the Corporation . CGM, South - I made presentation on achievements of Zone South - I and briefed about the significant achievements of 2018-2019.

13 May 2019