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Association of NSIC –Technical Service Centre, Okhla with VEL TECH Technical University

Memorandum of Understanding signed between NSIC Technical Service Center, Okhla and VEL TECH Technical University, Chennai on 09.08.2016 wherein both organizations agreed to facilitate trainees for their capacity building through skill training, to meet the requirement of industry.
The MoU was signed by Mr. Satvinder Singh, Sr. General Manager, NSIC and Mr. K.V.D.Kishore Kumar, Vice President, VEL TECH University in the presence of Mr. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC.
Mr. Subodh Jaiswal, DGM & Mr. O.P.Singh, Chief Manager from NSIC and Dr.V.Parthasarathy, Dean & Mr. Darwin P. Head Industrial Relations of VEL TECH were also present.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/a.516611921710159.1073741826.314015211969832/1176346645736680/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a> <br/>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90/>

Memorandum of Understanding signed between NSIC Technical Service Center, Okhla and VEL TECH Technical University, Chennai on 09.08.2016 wherein both organizations agreed to facilitate trainees for their capacity building through skill training, to meet the requirement of industry. <br/><br/> The MoU was signed by Mr. Satvinder Singh, Sr. General Manager, NSIC and Mr. K.V.D.Kishore Kumar, Vice President, VEL TECH University in the presence of Mr. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC. <br/><br/> Mr. Subodh Jaiswal, DGM & Mr. O.P.Singh, Chief Manager from NSIC and Dr.V.Parthasarathy, Dean & Mr. Darwin P. Head Industrial Relations of VEL TECH were also present. <br/> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/a.516611921710159.1073741826.314015211969832/1176346645736680/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <br/> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

09 Sep 2016