
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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CMD, NSIC interacts with Industry Associations of Aligarh (24/9/2016)

Sh. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC interacted with representatives of various industries` associations of Aligarh in order to understand the skill and common facilities requirements of the industry of Aligarh region. The objective was to revamp the activities of NTSC, Aligarh according to the needs of the industry. CMD also apprised them of various recent initiatives taken by NSIC. Sh. A.K. Mittal, who has taken over as Director (Fin), NSIC also accompanied CMD. Performance of NTSC, was also reviewed during the visit.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1189407784430566/1189407454430599/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a> <br/>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90/>

Sh. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC interacted with representatives of various industries` associations of Aligarh in order to understand the skill and common facilities requirements of the industry of Aligarh region. The objective was to revamp the activities of NTSC, Aligarh according to the needs of the industry. CMD also apprised them of various recent initiatives taken by NSIC. Sh. A.K. Mittal, who has taken over as Director (Fin), NSIC also accompanied CMD. Performance of NTSC, was also reviewed during the visit. <br/> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1189407784430566/1189407454430599/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <br/> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

25 Sep 2016