
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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NTSC (Neemka) and NABARD encouraging Artisans

NTSC (Neemka) in cooperation with NABARD organized a one-day training program on "Marketing, Branding, Communication and Packaging for Artisans" on 07th February, 2023. The program received enthusiastic response and more such Training Modules  would be held shortly. The program was coordinated by Shri Umesh Dixt, Center (Head), NTSC (Neemka)

NTSC (Neemka) in cooperation with NABARD organized a one-day training program on "Marketing, Branding, Communication and Packaging for Artisans" on 07th February, 2023. The program received enthusiastic response and more such Training Modules would be held shortly. The program was coordinated by Shri Umesh Dixt, Center (Head), NTSC (Neemka)

09 Feb 2023