Sh. Palash Bhowmick, Chief Manager (Tech), NTSC (Guwahati) Co-writes a book on TQM
NSIC has been fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and skill development amongst its employees. Recently, Sh. Palash Bhowmick, Chief Manager (Tech), NTSC (Guwahati) has co-written a book on Total Quality Management. The book endeavours to act as a guide for the MSMEs to enhance their Productivity and Quality by adopting certain techniques. It is based on how to implement Value Engineering concepts into their Production / Service facilities so that Indian MSMEs can stand out in the competitive global market by maintaining Global Standards. Shri Vijay Prakash, ZGM (North East), NSIC in admiration accepting the copy of book from Sh. Palash Bhowmick, Chief Manager (Tech), NTSC (Guwahati). A proud moment for the NSIC family.
04 Aug 2023