(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955
Tender Details
Tender Description:
This is with reference to the Tender Document No.
SIC/HO/TID/INCUB/111/2015 Dated 30.07.2015 for “Invitation for Study
to assess the Impact of Training cum Incubation Centers set up in India
(based on the feedback of 500 trainees)”
1. On Page No. 16 Point- 1 & Page 23 at S.No. 4, Earnest Money
should be read as Rs. 25,000/- instead of Rs.10,000/-.
2. On Page No. 4 in Point 1 Issue of Expression of Interest(EOI) the
date should be read as 30th July,2015 instead of 14th August,2015.
All the terms and conditions of the tender remains unchanged.