(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955
Tender Details
Tender Description:
Reference is made to the Tender Reference: No. SIC/MIC/38/2014 for Engaging Expert Consultant(s) To Carry out Feasibility Study for ERP Implementation dated 28-08-2015.
In this regards, all the bidders are informed that the last date and time for the submission of the bids has been extended from 18-09-2015 15:00hrs to 23-09-2015 15:00hrs.
The new dates may be read as:
i. Last date & time for Bid submission: 23-09-2015 15:00hrs
ii. Technical Bid Opening date & time: 23-09-2015 15:30hrs
However, all the other terms and conditions remains the same.