
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


Tender Details

Tender Description: Tender No. NSIC/MECHATRONICS SETUP/ 2016-17/32(4) Following clause is inserted in the tender referred above. All other terms & conditions of tender will remain same. Special Provision for Micro & Small Enterprises:- Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) participating in the tender will be given benefit as per Public Procurement Policy, 2012. Further, the MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs will also be given benefits as per Public Procurement Policy, 2012. The Definition of MSEs owned by SC/ST is as given under: (a) In case of proprietary MSE. Proprietor shall be SC/ST (b) In case of partnership MSE, the SC/ST partners shall be holding at least 51% shares in the unit (c) In case of Private Limited Companies, at least 51% share shall be held by SC/ST promoters.
Tender Contact: Chief General Manager
Tender Published Date: 14-01-2017
Tender Closing Date: 24-01-2017
Tender Document:  View