(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955
Tender Details
Tender Description:
Sealed tenders are invited from interested parties for buying of used leather and foot wear machines Huni control, Hydraulic press, Sewing machines etc and general engineering machineries lathe, milling, drilling etc on as is where is basis. Tender documents will be issued from 17.2.2011 to 10.3.2011. Last date of submission of tender is 10.3.2011 for details visit our web site: www.nsic.co.in or contact: General Manager, NSIC Technical Services Centre, B-24, Guindy Industrial Estate, EKKADUTHANGAL, Chennai-32.
Tel: 044-22252335/6/7
Fax: 22254500
Email: ntscche@nsic.co.in