(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955
Tender Details
Tender Description:
You are requested to submit your most competitive offer in a sealed envelope for the work of Comprehensive AMC for Air Circuit Breaker installed in L.T.panels at sub-station, NSIC Office Complex, New Delhi for a period of one year as mentioned in schedule of items, quantities & price (Annexure-A) and as per terms and conditions mentioned below. The complete offer has to reach this office on or before 16/06/2011 up to 16.00 hrs and will be opened on the same day at 16:30 hrs. Earnest money amounting to Rs. 5, 000.00 only in the form of DD in favour of NSIC Limited, payable at New Delhi shall be submitted along with the offer, failing to which your offer shall be rejected.