
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


Tender Details

Tender Description: Sealed Quotations are Invited on behalf of The Dy. General Manager, NSIC- TSC, Hyderabad-62, for procurement of below mentioned items. Soldering Stations (Mico processor based PID control technology) - 5, CRO (Tektronix TDS 1012C, 100 MHz, 2CH) - 2, Xilinx ISE design suite (embedded edition) - 1, Keil (AR 166-SM, CA- 51 SM) - 1, Xilinx Artix – 7, FPGA Kit - 1, Xilinx X A Cool runner- II, CPLD Kit- 1, Microtek Incircuit Emulator (P III)- 1, Robotic Kits (Robo Builder- creator 5710 K, KNODO KHR – 2, Robotis Bioloid, Revell-VEXPlorer).
Tender Contact: Dy. General Manager, NSIC- TSC.
Tender Published Date: 07-10-2011
Tender Closing Date: 17-10-2011
Tender Document:  View