
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


Tender Details

Tender Description: The following changes are incorporated in the tender document: On page no. 8, under Terms and Conditions: Point no. 35 should read as follows:- The lease rental offered by the party shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of allotment letter and same shall be revised upwards on mutual agreement basis. However, NSIC decision shall be final and binding. Point No. 38 is deleted and should be removed. Hence there are only total of 40 points in the terms and conditions. Please download the revised tender document uploaded on 27.01.2012 for reference. It may also be noted that the tender document uploaded here is for reference purpose only and cannot be used for applying in the tender. For participation original tender documents have to be procured from our office at cost of Rs.500/-
Tender Contact: Dy. General Manager
Tender Published Date: 27-01-2012
Tender Closing Date: 01-02-2012
Tender Document:  View