
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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11 Oct 2022

तकनीकी सेवा केंद्र - नीमका सेवा पखवाडा 2.0 वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम

श्री गौरांग दीक्षित, अध्यक्ष एवं प्रबंध निदेशक ने सेवा पखवाड़ा 2.0 के दौरान फ़रीदाबाद स्थित निगम के तकनीकी सेवा केंद्र - नीमका में दिनांक 30-09-2022 को वृक्षारोपण किया । श्री राजेश कुमार , महाप्रबंधक (टेक) एवं श्री उमेश दीक्षित , महाप्रबंधक ( केंद्र प्रमुख- नीमका) ने भी वृक्ष लगाकर इस कार्यक्रम में भाग लिया। अध्यक्ष महोदय ने केंद्र द्वारा संचालित तीन वर्षीय डिप्लोमा के प्रशिक्षुओं के साथ साथ अन्य अल्पकालीन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमों के अंतर्गत प्रशिक्षुओं से वार्तालाप करते हुए सभी प्रशिक्षुओं से अपने प्रशिक्षण की अवधि में केंद्र में उपलब्ध सभी संसाधनों का भरपूर लाभ उठाने का आवाह्न किया।

श्री गौरांग दीक्षित, अध्यक्ष एवं प्रबंध निदेशक ने सेवा पखवाड़ा 2.0 के दौरान फ़रीदाबाद स्थित निगम के तकनीकी सेवा केंद्र - नीमका में दिनांक 30-09-2022 को वृक्षारोपण किया । श्री राजेश कुमार , महाप्रबंधक (टेक) एवं श्री उमेश दीक्षित , महाप्रबंधक ( केंद्र प्रमुख- नीमका) ने भी वृक्ष लगाकर इस कार्यक्रम में भाग लिया। अध्यक्ष महोदय ने केंद्र द्वारा संचालित तीन वर्षीय डिप्लोमा के प्रशिक्षुओं के साथ साथ अन्य अल्पकालीन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमों के अंतर्गत प्रशिक्षुओं से वार्तालाप करते हुए सभी प्रशिक्षुओं से अपने प्रशिक्षण की अवधि में केंद्र में उपलब्ध सभी संसाधनों का भरपूर लाभ उठाने का आवाह्न किया।

03 Oct 2022

NSIC (Jamshedpur) organizes Marketing Campaign for Women Entrepreneurs

NSIC (Jamshedpur) in association with Jamshedpur Prerna Women Association  on 2nd October 2022  organized a Marketing Campaign about the benefits of NSIC /Ministry of MSME schemes coinciding with Seva Pakhwada Special Campaign 2.0.  Shri Bijay Kumar Sharma, Senior Branch Manager & Shri MD Zeeshan, EA actively participated in this campaign and enlisted 11 Women Entrepreneurs.

NSIC (Jamshedpur) in association with Jamshedpur Prerna Women Association on 2nd October 2022 organized a Marketing Campaign about the benefits of NSIC /Ministry of MSME schemes coinciding with Seva Pakhwada Special Campaign 2.0. Shri Bijay Kumar Sharma, Senior Branch Manager & Shri MD Zeeshan, EA actively participated in this campaign and enlisted 11 Women Entrepreneurs.

03 Oct 2022

NSIC conducts Training on Enhancing the Procurement through GeM Portal

NSIC conducted a one day Training Program on Enhancing the Procurement through GeM Portal (offline mode) on 30th September 2022 (Friday) at NSIC Business Park New Delhi.  Shri Gaurang Dixit, CMD, NSIC inaugurated the program and encouraged officers to maximize the procurement of goods and services through Government-e-Marketplace (GeM) in NSIC. Shri Vidya Sagar Singh, GM-SG (Training) and Ms. Nitika Anand, DGM (C&P) also emphasized on the importance of GeM training and shared their insights about the program. The program was conducted by Ms. Geetu Bansal, an expert from the central training team of GeM, wherein she shared her valuable knowledge on the subject. The program was designed to sensitise the participants on mode of purchases available on GeM with detailed procedure through demonstration on each mode till the award of order and delivery, Procedures of post awarding the orders till the completion of contract through demonstration and incident Management Policy. Shri Vaibhav Pathak,Manager (Training) NSIC and Ms. Hina Sharma ,AM (Trg), NSIC contributed immensely in shaping this program. 27 employees from Northern Region offices participated in the program.

NSIC conducted a one day Training Program on Enhancing the Procurement through GeM Portal (offline mode) on 30th September 2022 (Friday) at NSIC Business Park New Delhi. Shri Gaurang Dixit, CMD, NSIC inaugurated the program and encouraged officers to maximize the procurement of goods and services through Government-e-Marketplace (GeM) in NSIC. Shri Vidya Sagar Singh, GM-SG (Training) and Ms. Nitika Anand, DGM (C&P) also emphasized on the importance of GeM training and shared their insights about the program. The program was conducted by Ms. Geetu Bansal, an expert from the central training team of GeM, wherein she shared her valuable knowledge on the subject. The program was designed to sensitise the participants on mode of purchases available on GeM with detailed procedure through demonstration on each mode till the award of order and delivery, Procedures of post awarding the orders till the completion of contract through demonstration and incident Management Policy. Shri Vaibhav Pathak,Manager (Training) NSIC and Ms. Hina Sharma ,AM (Trg), NSIC contributed immensely in shaping this program. 27 employees from Northern Region offices participated in the program.

03 Oct 2022

NSIC (Indore ) organises Awareness Program for Women Entrepreneurs

NSIC ( Indore ) organized an  Awareness Campaign  on the benefit of NSIC Schemes for Women Entrepreneurs on 14/09/2022 at Ujjian  In association with Swastik Handicraft Women Welfare Association Samiti. More than 60 women entrepreneurs participated in the event. Sh. Vinod Vyas, Dy. General Manager highlighted the benefits of NSIC schemes and inspired the Women Entrepreneurs to come forward and set up their own enterprises. During the event a feedback form was circulated and  25 participants showed  interest about  MSME Global Mart portal.

NSIC ( Indore ) organized an Awareness Campaign on the benefit of NSIC Schemes for Women Entrepreneurs on 14/09/2022 at Ujjian In association with Swastik Handicraft Women Welfare Association Samiti. More than 60 women entrepreneurs participated in the event. Sh. Vinod Vyas, Dy. General Manager highlighted the benefits of NSIC schemes and inspired the Women Entrepreneurs to come forward and set up their own enterprises. During the event a feedback form was circulated and 25 participants showed interest about MSME Global Mart portal.

30 Sep 2022

NSIC (Jamshedpur) observes Seva Pakhwada

NSIC (Jamshedpur) organized a Tree Plantation program on 27/09/2022 at the campus of NSIC (Jamshedpur).Shri Bijay Kumar Sharma, Senior Branch Manager, NSIC ( Jamshedpur)  alongwith  all staff & officers   participated enthusiastically.  Speaking on the occasion, he stated that research has shown that average   3000 sheets of paper cost us a Tree so each one of us must save paper and consider protecting the environmental our responsibility before opting for printing on paper.

NSIC (Jamshedpur) organized a Tree Plantation program on 27/09/2022 at the campus of NSIC (Jamshedpur).Shri Bijay Kumar Sharma, Senior Branch Manager, NSIC ( Jamshedpur) alongwith all staff & officers participated enthusiastically. Speaking on the occasion, he stated that research has shown that average 3000 sheets of paper cost us a Tree so each one of us must save paper and consider protecting the environmental our responsibility before opting for printing on paper.

30 Sep 2022


NSIC (offices) across the country are observing "Seva Pakhwada" during the period 17th Sept 2022 to 02nd Oct 2022 and actively participating in the Sapling plantation and cleanliness drive in their respective offices. On 26th Sept 2022, Shri Gaurang Dixit, CMD,NSIC planted a sapling at the NSIC Exhibition Ground and encouraged each employee to keep their surroundings clean and stated that we need to plant more trees for increasing the oxygen level and evolving a Healthy planet.

NSIC (offices) across the country are observing "Seva Pakhwada" during the period 17th Sept 2022 to 02nd Oct 2022 and actively participating in the Sapling plantation and cleanliness drive in their respective offices. On 26th Sept 2022, Shri Gaurang Dixit, CMD,NSIC planted a sapling at the NSIC Exhibition Ground and encouraged each employee to keep their surroundings clean and stated that we need to plant more trees for increasing the oxygen level and evolving a Healthy planet.

26 Sep 2022

Signing of MoU between Ministry of MSME & NSIC for NSIC being an Implementing Agency for operating one component of Capacity Building of First Time MSE Exporters (CBFTE)

An MoU was exchanged between the Ministry of MSME and NSIC for NSIC being the Implementing Agency for operating one component of Capacity Building of First Time MSE Exporters (CBFTE) scheme on 20th September 2022 at Ministry of MSME, Udyog Bhawan in the presence of Shri B.B. Swain, Secretary (MSME). The MoU was signed by Ms. Mercy Epao, JS-SME, Ministry of MSME and Shri Gaurang Dixit, CMD, NSIC. As per the MoU, NSIC shall implement the subcomponent-iii of CBFTE scheme i.e. reimbursement of Fee paid on Testing & Quality Certification acquired by MSEs to export products. Mr. Sunil Tyagi, GM-SG (IC, Exhb. & HR) was also present on the occasion.

An MoU was exchanged between the Ministry of MSME and NSIC for NSIC being the Implementing Agency for operating one component of Capacity Building of First Time MSE Exporters (CBFTE) scheme on 20th September 2022 at Ministry of MSME, Udyog Bhawan in the presence of Shri B.B. Swain, Secretary (MSME). The MoU was signed by Ms. Mercy Epao, JS-SME, Ministry of MSME and Shri Gaurang Dixit, CMD, NSIC. As per the MoU, NSIC shall implement the subcomponent-iii of CBFTE scheme i.e. reimbursement of Fee paid on Testing & Quality Certification acquired by MSEs to export products. Mr. Sunil Tyagi, GM-SG (IC, Exhb. & HR) was also present on the occasion.

26 Sep 2022

NSIC Celebrates International Sign Language Day 2022

NSIC Celebrates International Sign Language Day 2022

NSIC Celebrates International Sign Language Day 2022

23 Sep 2022

NSIC (North 2) Zone commences AMNS Raw Material lifting

Shri Gurpal Singh, Zonal Head ,(North 2),NSIC along with   AMNS Director and officials during inaugural ceremony of AMNS retail outlet at Ludhiana on 09/09/2022. The Zone (North 2 )Branches have already started lifting and distributed more than 250 MTs till date.

Shri Gurpal Singh, Zonal Head ,(North 2),NSIC along with AMNS Director and officials during inaugural ceremony of AMNS retail outlet at Ludhiana on 09/09/2022. The Zone (North 2 )Branches have already started lifting and distributed more than 250 MTs till date.

23 Sep 2022

Honorable Minister of Commerce , Govt.of Assam applauds NSIC initiatives

NSIC Zone North-East was graced by  Sh. Bimal Borah, Honorable Minister, Department of Commerce and Industry and PE, Govt of Assam on 21/09/22. He visited  NSIC TIC and interacted with Branch officials and the participating Trainees. Shri Vijay Prakash , Zonal Head , North East along with other staff and officers briefed him about the benefits of NSIC schemes .The Honorable Minister  assured to extend full support of the Govt of Assam to NSIC Associates in the region.

NSIC Zone North-East was graced by Sh. Bimal Borah, Honorable Minister, Department of Commerce and Industry and PE, Govt of Assam on 21/09/22. He visited NSIC TIC and interacted with Branch officials and the participating Trainees. Shri Vijay Prakash , Zonal Head , North East along with other staff and officers briefed him about the benefits of NSIC schemes .The Honorable Minister assured to extend full support of the Govt of Assam to NSIC Associates in the region.

23 Sep 2022

NSIC signs MOU with Punjab National Bank

NSIC has signed MOU agreement on 22nd September 2022 with Punjab National Bank under Bank Tie up Scheme to help MSMEs with credit facility. This MOU envisages mutual cooperation in growth and development of MSME Sector in the country. The agreement was signed by Sh. P Ravi Kumar, Chief General Manager of NSIC and Mr.R.K Vashishtha, General Manager from PNB in the presence of Sh. Gaurang.Dixit, CMD NSIC. Also present on the occasion was  Ms Himani Shali, Chief Manager (Bank Tie Up) ,Sh.Ragunath  Chief Manager and Sh. Mahesh Bhatia Chief Manager (PNB).

NSIC has signed MOU agreement on 22nd September 2022 with Punjab National Bank under Bank Tie up Scheme to help MSMEs with credit facility. This MOU envisages mutual cooperation in growth and development of MSME Sector in the country. The agreement was signed by Sh. P Ravi Kumar, Chief General Manager of NSIC and Mr.R.K Vashishtha, General Manager from PNB in the presence of Sh. Gaurang.Dixit, CMD NSIC. Also present on the occasion was Ms Himani Shali, Chief Manager (Bank Tie Up) ,Sh.Ragunath Chief Manager and Sh. Mahesh Bhatia Chief Manager (PNB).

23 Sep 2022