
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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NSIC signs MoU with Ambuja Cement Limited

NSIC has signed MOU with Ambuja Cement Limited on 20.05.2022 under the NSIC Raw Material Distribution scheme for supply of Cement in Northern India market. The MoU will facilitate MSME in getting quality Cement material at competitive prices.  Ambuja Cement Limited has a wide network which will serve as backbone to deliver last mile service to MSMEs via NSIC. Sh. P. Udayakumar, Director (Planning & Marketing), NSIC presided the NSIC signing of MoU with M/s. Ambuja Cement. The MoU was signed by Dr. Avinash Choudhary, General Manager (RMD), NSIC and Sh. Prashant Ambast, Vice President-Marketing  Ambuja Cement Limited . Also present on the occasion were Sh. Pardeep Kumar, Chief Manager, NSIC, Sh. Vikas Sharma, Manager, NSIC, NSIC & Smt. Sonia Rathi, Deputy Manager, NSIC.

NSIC has signed MOU with Ambuja Cement Limited on 20.05.2022 under the NSIC Raw Material Distribution scheme for supply of Cement in Northern India market. The MoU will facilitate MSME in getting quality Cement material at competitive prices. Ambuja Cement Limited has a wide network which will serve as backbone to deliver last mile service to MSMEs via NSIC. Sh. P. Udayakumar, Director (Planning & Marketing), NSIC presided the NSIC signing of MoU with M/s. Ambuja Cement. The MoU was signed by Dr. Avinash Choudhary, General Manager (RMD), NSIC and Sh. Prashant Ambast, Vice President-Marketing Ambuja Cement Limited . Also present on the occasion were Sh. Pardeep Kumar, Chief Manager, NSIC, Sh. Vikas Sharma, Manager, NSIC, NSIC & Smt. Sonia Rathi, Deputy Manager, NSIC.

25 May 2022

मण्डी में पारितोषिक वितरण समारोह का आयोजन

मण्डी के पुलघराट स्थित राष्ट्रीय लघु उद्योग निगम प्रशिक्षण केन्द्र में पारितोषिक वितरण समारोह का आयोजन 20.05.2022 हुआ जिसमें अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त मण्डी जतिन लाल ने बतौर मुख्य अतिथि शिरकत की। जतिन लाल ने प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त कर चुके उत्कृष्ट छात्रों को पुरस्कृत किया। उन्होंने इस अवसर पर आयोजित फैशन एंड क्राफ्ट प्रदर्शनी में एनएसआईसी के छात्रों द्वारा बनाये गए परिधानों व उत्पादों को सराहा व उन्हें स्वरोजगार स्थापित करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया। छात्रों को संबोधित करते हुए उन्होंने कहा की एनएसआईसी केन्द्र में दिए जा रहे प्रशिक्षण का स्तर बहुत ऊपर है और छात्र बहुत अच्छा काम कर रहे हैं और युवाओं को स्वरोजगार अपनाकर अपने उद्यम स्थापित कर औरों को भी काम देना चाहिए। 
इस अवसर पर एनएसआईसी केन्द्र प्रमुख लोकेश भाटिया ने अतिथियों को एनएसआईसी के क्रियाकलापों का व्योरा प्रस्तुत किया और सरकार द्वारा एनएसआईसी के मध्यम से चलाई जा रही योजनाओं से अवगत कराया। छात्रों द्वारा बनाए परिधानों को सराहा और अपना व्यवसाय स्थापित करने को प्रेरित किया। उन्होंने बताया की पिछले दस वर्षों में करीब सेकड़ों छात्र यहाँ से विभिन्न कोर्सों में प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त कर चुके हैं जिनमें लगभग 68 फीसदी सिर्फ महिलायें हैं और बताया की एन.एस.आई.सी. ने हाल ही में कई नए कोर्स शुरू किए हैं जिससे बेरोजगार युवाओं को काफी मदद मिलेगी और उनको नयी तरह की चीजें सीखने को मिलेंगी। लोकेश भाटिया ने बताया की एनएसआईसी मण्डी ऑफिस से लघु उद्योगों संबंधी कई योजनाओं जैसे लघु उद्योग पंजीकरण कच्चा माल सहायता] कच्चे माल के लिए ऋण व मार्केटिंग सपोर्ट इत्यादि की सेवाएँ भी लघु उद्योगों तक पहुचाई जा रही हैं। एनएसआईसी मण्डी में फैशन डिजाइनिंग] टैली सर्टिफाइड अकाउंटिंग] कंप्यूटर हार्डवेयर व सॉफ्टवेयर मशीनों पर स्वेटर बुनाई] कुशन मेकिंग] बैग डिजाइनिंग आदि जैसे प्रोफेशनल कोर्सों में प्रशिक्षण दिया जा रहा है। वल्लभ गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज की सह-प्रोफेसर पूनम शर्मा] आईटीआई इंस्ट्रक्टर रंजीता ठकराल] छाया अत्री अन्य गणमान्य अथियों के रूप में उपस्थित रहे। कार्यक्रम में छात्रों ने अपने बनाए परिधानों को फैशन शो के माध्यम से अतिथियों को दिखाया।

मण्डी के पुलघराट स्थित राष्ट्रीय लघु उद्योग निगम प्रशिक्षण केन्द्र में पारितोषिक वितरण समारोह का आयोजन 20.05.2022 हुआ जिसमें अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त मण्डी जतिन लाल ने बतौर मुख्य अतिथि शिरकत की। जतिन लाल ने प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त कर चुके उत्कृष्ट छात्रों को पुरस्कृत किया। उन्होंने इस अवसर पर आयोजित फैशन एंड क्राफ्ट प्रदर्शनी में एनएसआईसी के छात्रों द्वारा बनाये गए परिधानों व उत्पादों को सराहा व उन्हें स्वरोजगार स्थापित करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया। छात्रों को संबोधित करते हुए उन्होंने कहा की एनएसआईसी केन्द्र में दिए जा रहे प्रशिक्षण का स्तर बहुत ऊपर है और छात्र बहुत अच्छा काम कर रहे हैं और युवाओं को स्वरोजगार अपनाकर अपने उद्यम स्थापित कर औरों को भी काम देना चाहिए। इस अवसर पर एनएसआईसी केन्द्र प्रमुख लोकेश भाटिया ने अतिथियों को एनएसआईसी के क्रियाकलापों का व्योरा प्रस्तुत किया और सरकार द्वारा एनएसआईसी के मध्यम से चलाई जा रही योजनाओं से अवगत कराया। छात्रों द्वारा बनाए परिधानों को सराहा और अपना व्यवसाय स्थापित करने को प्रेरित किया। उन्होंने बताया की पिछले दस वर्षों में करीब सेकड़ों छात्र यहाँ से विभिन्न कोर्सों में प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त कर चुके हैं जिनमें लगभग 68 फीसदी सिर्फ महिलायें हैं और बताया की एन.एस.आई.सी. ने हाल ही में कई नए कोर्स शुरू किए हैं जिससे बेरोजगार युवाओं को काफी मदद मिलेगी और उनको नयी तरह की चीजें सीखने को मिलेंगी। लोकेश भाटिया ने बताया की एनएसआईसी मण्डी ऑफिस से लघु उद्योगों संबंधी कई योजनाओं जैसे लघु उद्योग पंजीकरण कच्चा माल सहायता] कच्चे माल के लिए ऋण व मार्केटिंग सपोर्ट इत्यादि की सेवाएँ भी लघु उद्योगों तक पहुचाई जा रही हैं। एनएसआईसी मण्डी में फैशन डिजाइनिंग] टैली सर्टिफाइड अकाउंटिंग] कंप्यूटर हार्डवेयर व सॉफ्टवेयर मशीनों पर स्वेटर बुनाई] कुशन मेकिंग] बैग डिजाइनिंग आदि जैसे प्रोफेशनल कोर्सों में प्रशिक्षण दिया जा रहा है। वल्लभ गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज की सह-प्रोफेसर पूनम शर्मा] आईटीआई इंस्ट्रक्टर रंजीता ठकराल] छाया अत्री अन्य गणमान्य अथियों के रूप में उपस्थित रहे। कार्यक्रम में छात्रों ने अपने बनाए परिधानों को फैशन शो के माध्यम से अतिथियों को दिखाया।

24 May 2022

Shri B.B Swain, Secretary (MSME) inaugurates Job Fair at NTSC (Okhla)

Shri B.B Swain, Secretary (MSME) today inaugurated the ‘ENTERPRISE INDIA MEGA JOB FAIR’ at NTSC (Okhla) today in the presence of Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh, DC(MSME), Smt. Alka Arora Nangia, CMD, NSIC, Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (P&M), NSIC and Shri Gaurang Dixit, Director (Finance). The major objective of Mega Job Fair is to provide employment opportunities to the students who are passing out from different courses being conducted in the Centre. More than 30 companies including renowned companies like LG Electronics, Munjal Showa (Hero Honda Group), JBM Group, Maxop, SPM Auto Comp, were present with various job offers. Addressing the inaugural event, Shri B. B Swain, Secretary, MSME appreciate NSIC efforts in organizing the ‘Enterprise India Mega Job Fair’ after pandemic period to facilitate the trainees of the Centre for their employment. The NSIC Technical center(s) aims to offer demand driven training to the youth and make them market ready for the future opportunities.

Shri B.B Swain, Secretary (MSME) today inaugurated the ‘ENTERPRISE INDIA MEGA JOB FAIR’ at NTSC (Okhla) today in the presence of Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh, DC(MSME), Smt. Alka Arora Nangia, CMD, NSIC, Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (P&M), NSIC and Shri Gaurang Dixit, Director (Finance). The major objective of Mega Job Fair is to provide employment opportunities to the students who are passing out from different courses being conducted in the Centre. More than 30 companies including renowned companies like LG Electronics, Munjal Showa (Hero Honda Group), JBM Group, Maxop, SPM Auto Comp, were present with various job offers. Addressing the inaugural event, Shri B. B Swain, Secretary, MSME appreciate NSIC efforts in organizing the ‘Enterprise India Mega Job Fair’ after pandemic period to facilitate the trainees of the Centre for their employment. The NSIC Technical center(s) aims to offer demand driven training to the youth and make them market ready for the future opportunities.

14 May 2022

Joint Secretary (MSME) applauds NSIC- NTSC Campus (Guwahati) initiatives

Ms. Mercy Epao, Joint Secretary, Ministry of MSME visited NSIC campus at Guwahati, Assam on 09th May, 2022 and interacted with the trainees & encouraged them towards entrepreneurship.  Shri Vijay Prakash, ZGM, NSIC and Shri Vinit Kashyap, Chief Manager, NSIC were also present on this occasion.

Ms. Mercy Epao, Joint Secretary, Ministry of MSME visited NSIC campus at Guwahati, Assam on 09th May, 2022 and interacted with the trainees & encouraged them towards entrepreneurship. Shri Vijay Prakash, ZGM, NSIC and Shri Vinit Kashyap, Chief Manager, NSIC were also present on this occasion.

14 May 2022

NTSC (Aligarh) organizes Training Program for Women Entrepreneurs on Locks & Hardware

NTSC (Aligarh) organized two weeks training program on Locks & Hardware especially for women’s participants in association with SIDBI & Uttar Pradesh Micro Finance Association of Uttar Pradesh (UPMA) on 09th May, 2022. The main objective was to provide Technical & Vocational training so that they can be financially independent. The program was inaugurated by Smt. Mukta Raja, MLA & Shri Sanjiv Raja, Former MLA. During this program, Shri T.S Rajput, GM, NTSC, Aligarh highlighted the NSIC schemes and encouraged to women entrepreneurs.  Mr. Sudhir Sinha, CEO, UPMA, also present during the training. The program was coordinated by Shri Manoj, CM, NSIC Shri Vivek Mangal, Manager (Training), NSIC, Aligarh.

NTSC (Aligarh) organized two weeks training program on Locks & Hardware especially for women’s participants in association with SIDBI & Uttar Pradesh Micro Finance Association of Uttar Pradesh (UPMA) on 09th May, 2022. The main objective was to provide Technical & Vocational training so that they can be financially independent. The program was inaugurated by Smt. Mukta Raja, MLA & Shri Sanjiv Raja, Former MLA. During this program, Shri T.S Rajput, GM, NTSC, Aligarh highlighted the NSIC schemes and encouraged to women entrepreneurs. Mr. Sudhir Sinha, CEO, UPMA, also present during the training. The program was coordinated by Shri Manoj, CM, NSIC Shri Vivek Mangal, Manager (Training), NSIC, Aligarh.

14 May 2022

NSIC sign MoU with IDBI Bank

NSIC signs MoU with IDBI Bank on 12.05.2022 at New Delhi for establishing a strategic partnership to support MSMEs with their credit requirements under its Bank credit facilitation scheme. The MoU was signed by Sh. P Ravi Kumar, Chief General Manager, NSIC and Sh. Manoj Kumar, General Manager Credit solutions, IDBI Bank in the presence of Sh. G.Dixit,  Director (Finance), NSIC. Also present on the occasion was Ms Himani Shali, Chief Manager (Bank Tie Up), NSIC and Sh. Santosh Kumar, DGM, IDBI bank.

NSIC signs MoU with IDBI Bank on 12.05.2022 at New Delhi for establishing a strategic partnership to support MSMEs with their credit requirements under its Bank credit facilitation scheme. The MoU was signed by Sh. P Ravi Kumar, Chief General Manager, NSIC and Sh. Manoj Kumar, General Manager Credit solutions, IDBI Bank in the presence of Sh. G.Dixit, Director (Finance), NSIC. Also present on the occasion was Ms Himani Shali, Chief Manager (Bank Tie Up), NSIC and Sh. Santosh Kumar, DGM, IDBI bank.

13 May 2022

CMD, NSIC encourages participants of India Art Fair 2022

Ms. Alka Arora, CMD, NSIC during her visit to NSIC Exhibition Grounds, interacted with participants of the India Art Fair 2022 (28th April – 01st May 2022) and encouraged  them to come forward to unfurl their digital ecosystem  by availing the benefits of NSIC schemes as also  various offering of Ministry of MSME. A host of galleries from around the country made their IAF debuts this year with spotlight both on contemporary talent and established names in the Art Industry. Also present on this occasion were Shri Manoj Lal, Chief General Manager, NSIC, Shri Masood Ahmad, Manager, Mr. Ian Ronald Angus, Chairman, Angus Montogomery Group (UK), Mr. Scott Gray, CEO, Angus Montgomery Arts (UK), Mr.Fazal Faruqui, Director of Productions (IAF), Ms. Jaya Asokan, Fair Director (IAF).

Ms. Alka Arora, CMD, NSIC during her visit to NSIC Exhibition Grounds, interacted with participants of the India Art Fair 2022 (28th April – 01st May 2022) and encouraged them to come forward to unfurl their digital ecosystem by availing the benefits of NSIC schemes as also various offering of Ministry of MSME. A host of galleries from around the country made their IAF debuts this year with spotlight both on contemporary talent and established names in the Art Industry. Also present on this occasion were Shri Manoj Lal, Chief General Manager, NSIC, Shri Masood Ahmad, Manager, Mr. Ian Ronald Angus, Chairman, Angus Montogomery Group (UK), Mr. Scott Gray, CEO, Angus Montgomery Arts (UK), Mr.Fazal Faruqui, Director of Productions (IAF), Ms. Jaya Asokan, Fair Director (IAF).

02 May 2022

NTSC (Okhla) organizes NCRB skill upgradation Training Program

NTSC (Okhla) in association with National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Ministry of Home Affairs jointly organised a skill upgradation Training Program for NCRB officers in System Analysis & Design to upgrade their skills and help them in designing software to exchange Information on Criminals and Suspicious elements operating in different Police Stations, Districts and State. The two week training program was successfully completed and certificates distributed by Shri O.P. Singh, Centre Head (Okhla) on 29th April, 2022. The NCRB officers appreciated NSIC schemes and role of NSIC Technical Services Centers in skill development of youth in the country. The program was conducted by Shri Rajiv Nath, Chief Manager, NSIC.

NTSC (Okhla) in association with National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Ministry of Home Affairs jointly organised a skill upgradation Training Program for NCRB officers in System Analysis & Design to upgrade their skills and help them in designing software to exchange Information on Criminals and Suspicious elements operating in different Police Stations, Districts and State. The two week training program was successfully completed and certificates distributed by Shri O.P. Singh, Centre Head (Okhla) on 29th April, 2022. The NCRB officers appreciated NSIC schemes and role of NSIC Technical Services Centers in skill development of youth in the country. The program was conducted by Shri Rajiv Nath, Chief Manager, NSIC.

02 May 2022

NTSC (Rajpura) organizes Seminar on Skill Gap Analysis

NSIC-Technical Services Centre, Rajpura, organized a Seminar in association with District Employment & Training Office, Patiala and Micro Small & Medium Industries Welfare Association, Focal Point, Rajpura on Skill Gap Analysis on 29th April 2022, from 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. at NSIC, Rajpura in which 20 MSME’s participated to discuss and share their manpower requirements and skill requirements for their industries. The program was coordinated by Shri Rajesh Jain, Centre Head, NTSC (Rajpura).

NSIC-Technical Services Centre, Rajpura, organized a Seminar in association with District Employment & Training Office, Patiala and Micro Small & Medium Industries Welfare Association, Focal Point, Rajpura on Skill Gap Analysis on 29th April 2022, from 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. at NSIC, Rajpura in which 20 MSME’s participated to discuss and share their manpower requirements and skill requirements for their industries. The program was coordinated by Shri Rajesh Jain, Centre Head, NTSC (Rajpura).

02 May 2022

Board of Director, NSIC applauds LBI (Rourkela)

During his visit to NSIC (Rourkela )on 28th April 2022, Sh. Kalandi Charan Samal ,Independent Director ,Board of NSIC also visited NSIC -Livelihood Business Incubator (LBI) at Rourkela and applauded the efforts of NSIC in encouraging entrepreneurship in the country.

During his visit to NSIC (Rourkela )on 28th April 2022, Sh. Kalandi Charan Samal ,Independent Director ,Board of NSIC also visited NSIC -Livelihood Business Incubator (LBI) at Rourkela and applauded the efforts of NSIC in encouraging entrepreneurship in the country.

02 May 2022

Director (P&M), NSIC keynotes address at Anna University

Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (Planning and Marketing), NSIC delivered the keynotes address at Anna University on Skilling for Employability on 23rd April, 2022. Speaking on this occasion, he informed that topics like Aviation, Drones, Logistics, Finance, Technology etc. will benefit NSIC Technical Centre to design new training modules for students. More than 5000 students attended the program through online and physically.

Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (Planning and Marketing), NSIC delivered the keynotes address at Anna University on Skilling for Employability on 23rd April, 2022. Speaking on this occasion, he informed that topics like Aviation, Drones, Logistics, Finance, Technology etc. will benefit NSIC Technical Centre to design new training modules for students. More than 5000 students attended the program through online and physically.

28 Apr 2022

Director (P&M) visits NSIC LBI and NSIC (Naini)

Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (P& M), NSIC reviewed functioning of the LBI and NSIC (Naini) on 16th April, 22. He advised LBI to reorient their Training and Incubation strategy in line with the local industry needs and identify the unwanted machines for shifting to other centers. The branch officials were advised to increase the high margin verticals. During this visit he also visited the industrial infrastructure and reviewed the issues.

Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (P& M), NSIC reviewed functioning of the LBI and NSIC (Naini) on 16th April, 22. He advised LBI to reorient their Training and Incubation strategy in line with the local industry needs and identify the unwanted machines for shifting to other centers. The branch officials were advised to increase the high margin verticals. During this visit he also visited the industrial infrastructure and reviewed the issues.

28 Apr 2022