
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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An International Lifestyle Expo was held at HITEX, Hyderabad from 6th to 8th Oct’17

An International Lifestyle Expo was held at HITEX, Hyderabad from 6th to 8th Oct’17.  The Exhibition was inaugurated by Shri Ravindra Nath, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, NSIC as Chief Guest, Shri T.K.Sreedevi, IAS, Director, Municipal Administration, Govt. of Telangana, as Guest of Honour and Dr P.G.S.Rao, Director, MSME, Govt. of India as a Special Guest.  Also present were Mrs Vandana Maheshwari, National Secretary, COWE and Mrs Rama Devi, President, COWE Telangana Chapter. 

More than 123 nos. of stalls were exhibited in the Expo.  NSIC Zone South-II has taken an exclusive pavilion in the expo, wherein 62 No. of SC/ST Entrepreneurs exhibited their products under NSSH Scheme in the sectors of Textiles, Food products, furnishings, herbals, cosmetics, jewellery, Handicrafts, arts, etc.  CMD addressed the gathering, explaining the various facilities available under NSSH.  The dignitaries visited the stalls and interacted with the exhibitors.
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 09, 2017 </font></p>

<a target="_blank"

href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1572553016116039/1572551976116143/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view  more images.</p></font></a>

An International Lifestyle Expo was held at HITEX, Hyderabad from 6th to 8th Oct’17. The Exhibition was inaugurated by Shri Ravindra Nath, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, NSIC as Chief Guest, Shri T.K.Sreedevi, IAS, Director, Municipal Administration, Govt. of Telangana, as Guest of Honour and Dr P.G.S.Rao, Director, MSME, Govt. of India as a Special Guest. Also present were Mrs Vandana Maheshwari, National Secretary, COWE and Mrs Rama Devi, President, COWE Telangana Chapter. More than 123 nos. of stalls were exhibited in the Expo. NSIC Zone South-II has taken an exclusive pavilion in the expo, wherein 62 No. of SC/ST Entrepreneurs exhibited their products under NSSH Scheme in the sectors of Textiles, Food products, furnishings, herbals, cosmetics, jewellery, Handicrafts, arts, etc. CMD addressed the gathering, explaining the various facilities available under NSSH. The dignitaries visited the stalls and interacted with the exhibitors. <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 09, 2017 </font></p> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1572553016116039/1572551976116143/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view more images.</p></font></a>

09 Oct 2017

An interaction meeting with MSME Associations was held at Hyderabad on 06.10.2017

An interaction meeting with MSME Associations was held at Hyderabad on 06.10.2017.  The meeting was chaired by Shri Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC and attended by FTAPCCI, FETSIA, COWE, ALEAP, Fibreglass Association, etc.  CMD informed the associations to explore the various opportunities to work with NSIC, so that all their members can avail NSIC schemes and the facilities offered by Ministry of MSME.  The meeting was attended by Shri K.Srinivas, Zonal Head, South-II and Branch Heads from all the branches in the zone and other officials. 

<a target="_blank"

href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1572557076115633/1572556719449002/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view  more images.</p></font></a>

<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 09, 2017 </font></p>

An interaction meeting with MSME Associations was held at Hyderabad on 06.10.2017. The meeting was chaired by Shri Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC and attended by FTAPCCI, FETSIA, COWE, ALEAP, Fibreglass Association, etc. CMD informed the associations to explore the various opportunities to work with NSIC, so that all their members can avail NSIC schemes and the facilities offered by Ministry of MSME. The meeting was attended by Shri K.Srinivas, Zonal Head, South-II and Branch Heads from all the branches in the zone and other officials. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1572557076115633/1572556719449002/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view more images.</p></font></a> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 09, 2017 </font></p>

09 Oct 2017

NSIC Technical Service Centre, Hyderabad organised a Job Mela

NSIC Technical Service Centre, Hyderabad organised a Job Mela on 05-10-2017 at its premises. Shri R. S. Praveen Kumar, IPS, Secretary, Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institution Society, Telangana inaugurated the event.
60 MSME units participated in the Job Mela and conducted the first level scrutiny and preliminary round of selection for the candidates. More then 2000 aspirants attended the Job Mela out of which 521 candidates were shortlisted for the final round of interviews to be held at MSME units. 70 Candidates received offer letters on the spot.

<a target="_blank"

href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1569779779726696/1569776836393657/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view  more images.</p></font></a> 
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 06, 2017 </font></p>

NSIC Technical Service Centre, Hyderabad organised a Job Mela on 05-10-2017 at its premises. Shri R. S. Praveen Kumar, IPS, Secretary, Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institution Society, Telangana inaugurated the event. <br/> 60 MSME units participated in the Job Mela and conducted the first level scrutiny and preliminary round of selection for the candidates. More then 2000 aspirants attended the Job Mela out of which 521 candidates were shortlisted for the final round of interviews to be held at MSME units. 70 Candidates received offer letters on the spot. <br/> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1569779779726696/1569776836393657/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view more images.</p></font></a> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 06, 2017 </font></p>

06 Oct 2017

Excerpts of Swatch Bharat Campaign led by Dr. A. K. Panda, Secretary, MSME and Shri Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC held at NSIC office, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNSICLTD%2Fvideos%2F1568644793173528%2F&show_text=0&width=530" width="530" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNSICLTD%2Fvideos%2F1568644793173528%2F&show_text=0&width=530" width="530" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

05 Oct 2017

A delegation from RBI visits NSIC

A delegation of Reserve Bank of India (RBI ) officers posted at different RBI locations across the country visited NSIC on 28/09/17 and were impressed by the various programs and initiatives of NSIC for the growth of MSME sector in the country.The delegation was attended by Shri Munib Ikram,DGM (NTSC ,Okhla)and Shri O.PSingh,DGM,NTSC(Okhla).

<a target="_blank"

href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1567777366593604/1567776076593733/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view  more images.</p></font></a> 
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">04 Oct, 2017 </font></p>

A delegation of Reserve Bank of India (RBI ) officers posted at different RBI locations across the country visited NSIC on 28/09/17 and were impressed by the various programs and initiatives of NSIC for the growth of MSME sector in the country.The delegation was attended by Shri Munib Ikram,DGM (NTSC ,Okhla)and Shri O.PSingh,DGM,NTSC(Okhla). <br/> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1567777366593604/1567776076593733/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view more images.</p></font></a> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">04 Oct, 2017 </font></p>

04 Oct 2017

Swachhta Abhiyan organized by NSIC, Aligarh on 28/09/2017

Swachhta Abhiyan organized by NSIC, Aligarh on 28/09/2017

<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct.,3, 2017 </font></p>

Swachhta Abhiyan organized by NSIC, Aligarh on 28/09/2017 <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct.,3, 2017 </font></p>

03 Oct 2017

Swachhta Abhiyan’ organized by NSIC, Jamshedpur on 21/09/2017 in association with TICCI

NSIC, Jamshedpur organized ‘Swachhta Abhiyan’ at its premises and at Bhatin, a tribal village at Jadugora, East Singhbhum Dist. (with around 150 households and 800 tribals) on 21.09.2017. 

Representatives of Tribal Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industries, NSIC officials and local villagers participated in the campaign titled “Swachhata Hi Seva Hai”. 

The Abhiyan was organized on the following lines:-

•	Cleaning drive : The drive was led by the NSIC Officials who cleaned the main village road & several other places with brooms. Phenyle and Bleaching power was sprinkled at various places to prevent mosquito breeding. Many villagers participated in the campaign with great enthusiasm. They included Sri Khelaram Murmu, President, TICCI, and successful Tribal entrepreneur and Sri Basant Tirkey, General Secretary, TICCI and successful Tribal entrepreneur.

•	Awareness on cleaning & hygiene : Dr.Shyam Soren, a leading Tribal local Doctor, delivered a lecture on Swachhata underlying the importance of cleanliness & hygiene in the day to day activities of the villagers of Bhatin. 

•	Awareness on Swachhta in the mindset of Tribal people : Sri D Hansda, Manager (Personnel), Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL) delivered a lecture for  imbibing “Swachhata” in their day to the activities, feelings for fellow Tribals, Society and Countrymen.

•	Impregnating “Swachhta” in the mindset of children : In order to build “Swachhta” oriented people for tomorrow and also to imbibe a sense of the same at a very young age, a sit-and-draw contest was organized at Bhatin Panchayat Bhawan. A total of 29 children participated in the contest out of which 10 were given accolades by the Guests.

•	A short session by NSIC wherein Swachhta and NSIC’s Schemes which may be availed by prospective household entrepreneurs in the Village under SC-ST Hub also took place. The success story of Mr. Khelaram Murmu, who had imbibed ‘Swachchta’ in his business dealings was highlighted by NSIC for motivating the participants.

Banners had been displayed at strategic locations of the village. The Abhiyan was widely covered by leading dailies including ‘The Avenue Mail’, Dainik Jagran, Udit Bani, New Ispat Mail, Dainik Bhaskar, Hindusthan & Chamatka Aiina.
<a target="_blank"

href="http://www.nsic.co.in/images/jamshedpur03102017.pdf"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view the images printed in Newspapers.</p></font></a> 
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct.,3, 2017 </font></p>

NSIC, Jamshedpur organized ‘Swachhta Abhiyan’ at its premises and at Bhatin, a tribal village at Jadugora, East Singhbhum Dist. (with around 150 households and 800 tribals) on 21.09.2017. Representatives of Tribal Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industries, NSIC officials and local villagers participated in the campaign titled “Swachhata Hi Seva Hai”. The Abhiyan was organized on the following lines:- • Cleaning drive : The drive was led by the NSIC Officials who cleaned the main village road & several other places with brooms. Phenyle and Bleaching power was sprinkled at various places to prevent mosquito breeding. Many villagers participated in the campaign with great enthusiasm. They included Sri Khelaram Murmu, President, TICCI, and successful Tribal entrepreneur and Sri Basant Tirkey, General Secretary, TICCI and successful Tribal entrepreneur. • Awareness on cleaning & hygiene : Dr.Shyam Soren, a leading Tribal local Doctor, delivered a lecture on Swachhata underlying the importance of cleanliness & hygiene in the day to day activities of the villagers of Bhatin. • Awareness on Swachhta in the mindset of Tribal people : Sri D Hansda, Manager (Personnel), Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL) delivered a lecture for imbibing “Swachhata” in their day to the activities, feelings for fellow Tribals, Society and Countrymen. • Impregnating “Swachhta” in the mindset of children : In order to build “Swachhta” oriented people for tomorrow and also to imbibe a sense of the same at a very young age, a sit-and-draw contest was organized at Bhatin Panchayat Bhawan. A total of 29 children participated in the contest out of which 10 were given accolades by the Guests. • A short session by NSIC wherein Swachhta and NSIC’s Schemes which may be availed by prospective household entrepreneurs in the Village under SC-ST Hub also took place. The success story of Mr. Khelaram Murmu, who had imbibed ‘Swachchta’ in his business dealings was highlighted by NSIC for motivating the participants. Banners had been displayed at strategic locations of the village. The Abhiyan was widely covered by leading dailies including ‘The Avenue Mail’, Dainik Jagran, Udit Bani, New Ispat Mail, Dainik Bhaskar, Hindusthan & Chamatka Aiina. <br/> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.nsic.co.in/images/jamshedpur03102017.pdf"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view the images printed in Newspapers.</p></font></a> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct.,3, 2017 </font></p>

03 Oct 2017

Dr.A.K.Panda, Secretary,MSME and Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC lead Swatch Bharat Campaign at NSIC

A Swatch Bharat Campaign led by Dr.A.K.Panda, Secretary, MSME and Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC was held at NSIC office,Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion, Dr.A.K.Panda, Secretary, MSME stated that each one of us must campaign Intensively for awareness generation of Swatch Bharat Abhiyan to create a better sanitation environment. He urged the participants to inculcate a culture of Swacthha (Cleanliness) in our day to day life. Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC said that Swatchhta should be adopted not only in office work spaces but also in the thoughts and deeds while initiating our reach with the Industry. Also present on this occasion were Ms. Alka Arora, Joint Secretary, MSME, Shri P. Udayakumar & Shri A. K. Mittal, Director on Board,NSIC alongwith NSIC Officers /Staff.

<a target="_blank"

href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1566934770011197/1566933343344673/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view  more images.</p></font></a> 
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">03 Oct, 2017 </font></p>

A Swatch Bharat Campaign led by Dr.A.K.Panda, Secretary, MSME and Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC was held at NSIC office,Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion, Dr.A.K.Panda, Secretary, MSME stated that each one of us must campaign Intensively for awareness generation of Swatch Bharat Abhiyan to create a better sanitation environment. He urged the participants to inculcate a culture of Swacthha (Cleanliness) in our day to day life. Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC said that Swatchhta should be adopted not only in office work spaces but also in the thoughts and deeds while initiating our reach with the Industry. Also present on this occasion were Ms. Alka Arora, Joint Secretary, MSME, Shri P. Udayakumar & Shri A. K. Mittal, Director on Board,NSIC alongwith NSIC Officers /Staff. <br/> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1566934770011197/1566933343344673/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view more images.</p></font></a> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">03 Oct, 2017 </font></p>

03 Oct 2017




29 Sep 2017

Secretary, MSME, Govt. of India Visited to NSIC- Integrated Marketing Development Centre, Bhubaneswar

Dr. Arun Kumar Panda, IAS , Secretary,  MSME, Govt. of India, visited NSIC-Integrated Marketing Development Centre, Bhubaneswar on 22-09-2017. He got delighted and quite impressed upon the construction of IMDC building in Bhubaneswar. Secretary while visiting different floor and space of the building, enquired about the area, completion of construction and Schedule for Inauguration of IMDC building. During a meeting, he enquired about the activities of NSIC in Odisha. Sh. P.C.Nayak, DGM explained about the activities of NSIC in Odisha.

<a target="_blank"

href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1562530223784985/1562529873785020/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view  more images.</p></font></a> 
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Sept 28, 2017 </font></p>

Dr. Arun Kumar Panda, IAS , Secretary, MSME, Govt. of India, visited NSIC-Integrated Marketing Development Centre, Bhubaneswar on 22-09-2017. He got delighted and quite impressed upon the construction of IMDC building in Bhubaneswar. Secretary while visiting different floor and space of the building, enquired about the area, completion of construction and Schedule for Inauguration of IMDC building. During a meeting, he enquired about the activities of NSIC in Odisha. Sh. P.C.Nayak, DGM explained about the activities of NSIC in Odisha. <br/> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1562530223784985/1562529873785020/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view more images.</p></font></a> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Sept 28, 2017 </font></p>

28 Sep 2017

Special Vendor Development Program was organized by NSIC Ltd., BO Chennai in association with DICCI with CPCL and Chennai Port Trust.

Special Vendor Development Program was organized by NSIC Ltd., BO Chennai  in association with DICCI  with CPCL and Chennai Port Trust. The event was attended by 35 MSE`s.Shri G.P Lenin President DICCI, has explained the essential role of NSIC in promotion of SC-ST MSME, Shri. M. Vishwanath, Sr. Deputy Material Manager, Chennai Port Trust & Shri S. Subramani, Chief Manager(Material),CPCL explain the process of E-Tendering.The event was coordinated by Shri R Saravanakummar,DGM NSIC.

<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Sept 22, 2017 </font></p>

Special Vendor Development Program was organized by NSIC Ltd., BO Chennai in association with DICCI with CPCL and Chennai Port Trust. The event was attended by 35 MSE`s.Shri G.P Lenin President DICCI, has explained the essential role of NSIC in promotion of SC-ST MSME, Shri. M. Vishwanath, Sr. Deputy Material Manager, Chennai Port Trust & Shri S. Subramani, Chief Manager(Material),CPCL explain the process of E-Tendering.The event was coordinated by Shri R Saravanakummar,DGM NSIC. <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Sept 22, 2017 </font></p>

26 Sep 2017

Special Vendor Development Program was organized by NSIC Ltd., BO Cochin

Special Vendor Development Program was organized by NSIC Ltd., BO Cochin in association with DICCI & Kerala Chamber Of Commerce and Industry, on 20.09.17 with HOCL and BPCL. Shri P.K Sudheer Charter President DICCI Kerala Chapter was the chief Guest Of The event, Shri V.A Shasi Chief Manager HOCL and Shri. T.V Venu, Manager(P&CS) BPCL had brief about the Procurement Procedures followed by them. 49 MSEs had participated in the event. 
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Sept 22, 2017 </font></p>

Special Vendor Development Program was organized by NSIC Ltd., BO Cochin in association with DICCI & Kerala Chamber Of Commerce and Industry, on 20.09.17 with HOCL and BPCL. Shri P.K Sudheer Charter President DICCI Kerala Chapter was the chief Guest Of The event, Shri V.A Shasi Chief Manager HOCL and Shri. T.V Venu, Manager(P&CS) BPCL had brief about the Procurement Procedures followed by them. 49 MSEs had participated in the event. <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Sept 22, 2017 </font></p>

26 Sep 2017