
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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Branch Office, Coimbatore organized a Special Vendor Development Programme

Branch Office, Coimbatore organized a Special Vendor Development Programme on 22.09.2017 at Coimbatore in association with National Textile Corporation, Coimbatore. Around 50 SC/ST Entrepreneurs of DICCI, CIAI and Tansida have attended the programme.  Sh. G.Kannan, Senior Branch Manager, B.O.Coimbatore gave the welcome address, Sh.P.Shanmugasiva. Project Director, DIC Coimbatore explained the schemes which are offered to SC/ST Entrepreneurs by Tamil Nadu Government. Sh.S.SateeshKumar, Deputy Director MSME-DI elaborated on the schemes available in MSME Ministry.  Sh.K.G.Ramakrishnan, Chief Manager, Vijaya Bank addressed the gathering regarding different schemes offered by banks. Sh.N.Perumal, Senior Manager (Techinical), National Textile Corporation, Coimbatore made a power point presentation on their procurement procedures and the list of items which National Textile Corporation is procuring from MSEs. The other officials Sh. R. Senthil Kumar, Deputy Manager (BD), Sh.V. Saravanakrishnan, Development Officer were also present for this event.

Branch Office, Coimbatore organized a Special Vendor Development Programme on 22.09.2017 at Coimbatore in association with National Textile Corporation, Coimbatore. Around 50 SC/ST Entrepreneurs of DICCI, CIAI and Tansida have attended the programme. Sh. G.Kannan, Senior Branch Manager, B.O.Coimbatore gave the welcome address, Sh.P.Shanmugasiva. Project Director, DIC Coimbatore explained the schemes which are offered to SC/ST Entrepreneurs by Tamil Nadu Government. Sh.S.SateeshKumar, Deputy Director MSME-DI elaborated on the schemes available in MSME Ministry. Sh.K.G.Ramakrishnan, Chief Manager, Vijaya Bank addressed the gathering regarding different schemes offered by banks. Sh.N.Perumal, Senior Manager (Techinical), National Textile Corporation, Coimbatore made a power point presentation on their procurement procedures and the list of items which National Textile Corporation is procuring from MSEs. The other officials Sh. R. Senthil Kumar, Deputy Manager (BD), Sh.V. Saravanakrishnan, Development Officer were also present for this event.

17 Oct 2017

A training program on ISO 9001:2015 standards and Enterprise Risk Managment (ERM) is organised on 09th September 2017 at Chennai



17 Oct 2017

NSIC, BO, Madurai organized Special Vendor Development Programme at Madurai

NSIC, BO, Madurai organized a Special Vendor Development Programme in association with Madurai District Tiny & Small Scale Industries Association (MADITSSIA), Madurai and DICCI, Madurai on 20.09.2017 at MADITSSIA Hall, Madurai.  52 MSMEs participated in the programme.  Shri Vidya Sagar Singh, Zonal General Manager (South-III), NSIC, Chennai explained about benefits offered by NSIC under National SC/ST Hub to the participants.  During the programme officials from Southern Railway, Madurai and Ordnance Factory, Trichy explained their Vendor Registration and Purchase procedures to the participants. The participants were also shown the live webcast of Hon’ble Vice President speech made during the SC-ST Confluence held at New Delhi.

<a target="_blank"

href="http://www.nsic.co.in/images/madu17102017.pdf"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view the news in Newspapers Article.</p></font></a>

NSIC, BO, Madurai organized a Special Vendor Development Programme in association with Madurai District Tiny & Small Scale Industries Association (MADITSSIA), Madurai and DICCI, Madurai on 20.09.2017 at MADITSSIA Hall, Madurai. 52 MSMEs participated in the programme. Shri Vidya Sagar Singh, Zonal General Manager (South-III), NSIC, Chennai explained about benefits offered by NSIC under National SC/ST Hub to the participants. During the programme officials from Southern Railway, Madurai and Ordnance Factory, Trichy explained their Vendor Registration and Purchase procedures to the participants. The participants were also shown the live webcast of Hon’ble Vice President speech made during the SC-ST Confluence held at New Delhi. <br/> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.nsic.co.in/images/madu17102017.pdf"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view the news in Newspapers Article.</p></font></a>

17 Oct 2017

Branch Office, Pondicherry has participated and explained the NSIC Schemes and Services in State Level Vendor Development Programme organized by MSME-DI, Chennai in association with NLC India Limited, Neyveli at MM Complex, NLC India Limited, Neyveli on 26.09.2017

Branch Office, Pondicherry has participated and explained the NSIC Schemes and Services in State Level Vendor Development Programme organized by MSME-DI, Chennai in association with NLC India Limited, Neyveli at MM Complex, NLC India Limited, Neyveli on 26.09.2017

Branch Office, Pondicherry has participated and explained the NSIC Schemes and Services in State Level Vendor Development Programme organized by MSME-DI, Chennai in association with NLC India Limited, Neyveli at MM Complex, NLC India Limited, Neyveli on 26.09.2017

17 Oct 2017

Branch Office, Coimbatore in association with Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Tamil Nadu Chapter) and District Industries Centre, Salem organised a Awareness Programme for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs.

Branch Office, Coimbatore in association with Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Tamil Nadu Chapter) and District Industries Centre, Salem organised a Awareness Programme for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs   at DIC Hall on 20.09.2017. 40 SC/ST entrepreneurs  attended the programme. The event was inaugurated by Mrs. Rohini R Bhajibhakare District Collectore, Salem. The other officials present in this occasion are Smt. Bama Bhuvaneshwari DDM, NABARD, Salem, Sh G.Kannan SBM, NSIC Coimbatore, Sh. D.Sivakumar Project Manager, DIC Salem, Sh.V.Karunadhi, District Manager, TAHDCO, Salem, Sh. A P Prabhu, AD, MSME-DI Coimbatore. All officials have explained about various schemes of their department.

Branch Office, Coimbatore in association with Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Tamil Nadu Chapter) and District Industries Centre, Salem organised a Awareness Programme for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs at DIC Hall on 20.09.2017. 40 SC/ST entrepreneurs attended the programme. The event was inaugurated by Mrs. Rohini R Bhajibhakare District Collectore, Salem. The other officials present in this occasion are Smt. Bama Bhuvaneshwari DDM, NABARD, Salem, Sh G.Kannan SBM, NSIC Coimbatore, Sh. D.Sivakumar Project Manager, DIC Salem, Sh.V.Karunadhi, District Manager, TAHDCO, Salem, Sh. A P Prabhu, AD, MSME-DI Coimbatore. All officials have explained about various schemes of their department.

16 Oct 2017

NTSC (Howarh) organised a meeting on 14/10/2017 with different Fire Fighting Institutes

NTSC (Howarh) organised a meeting on 14/10/2017 with different Fire Fighting Institutes of West Bengal. Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar , U P & Chhattisgarh with a view to commence  Practical Training for the students of different fire fighting Institutes on FIRE & SAFETY .
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 16, 2017 </font></p>

NTSC (Howarh) organised a meeting on 14/10/2017 with different Fire Fighting Institutes of West Bengal. Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar , U P & Chhattisgarh with a view to commence Practical Training for the students of different fire fighting Institutes on FIRE & SAFETY . <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 16, 2017 </font></p>

16 Oct 2017

A Swachhta Hi Seva was conducted in association with Tamizhaga Ciruthozhil and Industries Association (TACTIS)

A Swachhta Hi Seva  was conducted in association with Tamizhaga Ciruthozhil and Industries Association (TACTIS) on 26.09.2017. The NSIC program was presided by Mr. Alexander, M.L.A  Sri Balasubrahmanian, Assistant Development Commissioner, Ambattur  Municipal Corporarion. Sri C.S. Babu, President, TANSTIASri Hindunathan, President TACTISSri  Vidya Sagar Singh, ZGM South-3, NSIC Sri Hindunathan, while welcoming the participants also highlighted the key role played by NSIC in associating with them for this noble project of Swachhta Hi Seva. Sri Vidya Sagar Singh, ZGM NSIC in his key note address, stressed uponthe importance of keeping the house clean and surrounding areas by not throwing waste in the streets, which will avoid many diseases such as Dengu, malaria etc.  Hon’ble M.L.A., Sri Alexander in his speech highlighted that it is his constituency, which should be role model, hence he concentrates and attends for meetings when called for and extend full support for the cause where it is intended.  He also appreciated the ZGM NSIC for joining hands with TACTIS in creating awareness in the area.The meeting concluded with saplings of trees  by dignitaries and raising the slogans so as to create awareness through a procession which went around 4 streets where the cleaning work was undertaken. Around 200 persons participated.

A Swachhta Hi Seva was conducted in association with Tamizhaga Ciruthozhil and Industries Association (TACTIS) on 26.09.2017. The NSIC program was presided by Mr. Alexander, M.L.A Sri Balasubrahmanian, Assistant Development Commissioner, Ambattur Municipal Corporarion. Sri C.S. Babu, President, TANSTIASri Hindunathan, President TACTISSri Vidya Sagar Singh, ZGM South-3, NSIC Sri Hindunathan, while welcoming the participants also highlighted the key role played by NSIC in associating with them for this noble project of Swachhta Hi Seva. Sri Vidya Sagar Singh, ZGM NSIC in his key note address, stressed uponthe importance of keeping the house clean and surrounding areas by not throwing waste in the streets, which will avoid many diseases such as Dengu, malaria etc. Hon’ble M.L.A., Sri Alexander in his speech highlighted that it is his constituency, which should be role model, hence he concentrates and attends for meetings when called for and extend full support for the cause where it is intended. He also appreciated the ZGM NSIC for joining hands with TACTIS in creating awareness in the area.The meeting concluded with saplings of trees by dignitaries and raising the slogans so as to create awareness through a procession which went around 4 streets where the cleaning work was undertaken. Around 200 persons participated.

16 Oct 2017

Shri Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC Diwali Greetings to Indian Army Jawans

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNSICLTD%2Fvideos%2F1576219342416073%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>  

<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 13, 2017 </font></p>

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNSICLTD%2Fvideos%2F1576219342416073%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 13, 2017 </font></p>

13 Oct 2017

NSIC( Chandigarh) organized Kullu Exhibition during the Dusherra festival from 30/09/17 to 08/10/17 at Dushera Ground, Kullu.

NSIC( Chandigarh) organized  Kullu Exhibition during the  Dusherra festival from 30/09/17 to 08/10/17 at Dushera Ground, Kullu. 4 States and total 45 nos of units participated in this exhibition. NSIC (Chandigarh) utilized this opportunity to disseminate the benefits of NSIC Schemes amongst the MSMEs, youth,entrepreneurs of the region.
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 13, 2017 </font></p>

NSIC( Chandigarh) organized Kullu Exhibition during the Dusherra festival from 30/09/17 to 08/10/17 at Dushera Ground, Kullu. 4 States and total 45 nos of units participated in this exhibition. NSIC (Chandigarh) utilized this opportunity to disseminate the benefits of NSIC Schemes amongst the MSMEs, youth,entrepreneurs of the region. <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 13, 2017 </font></p>

13 Oct 2017

Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC signed an MOU with Shri.Rakesh Kumar,ED,EPCH in the august presence of Sh. Arun Kumar Panda, IAS, Secretary, Ms. Alka Arora, JS, MSME.

Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC signed an MOU with Shri.Rakesh Kumar,ED,EPCH in  the august presence of Sh. Arun Kumar Panda, IAS, Secretary, Ms. Alka Arora, JS, MSME. NSIC signed the MoU with Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) on 13.10.2017 at Expo Mart Exhibition Centre at Greater Noida for benefit of MSME sectors of India in categories of Handicraft products including Home, Furniture, Furnishings, Lifestyle, Gift & Decorative and Fashion.
<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 13, 2017 </font></p>

Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC signed an MOU with Shri.Rakesh Kumar,ED,EPCH in the august presence of Sh. Arun Kumar Panda, IAS, Secretary, Ms. Alka Arora, JS, MSME. NSIC signed the MoU with Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) on 13.10.2017 at Expo Mart Exhibition Centre at Greater Noida for benefit of MSME sectors of India in categories of Handicraft products including Home, Furniture, Furnishings, Lifestyle, Gift & Decorative and Fashion. <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 13, 2017 </font></p>

13 Oct 2017

A National Vendor Development Programme was organised by MSME DI, Okhla in association with NSIC on 6th & 7th Oct.2017

A National Vendor Development Programme was organised by MSME DI, Okhla in association with NSIC on 6th & 7th Oct.2017. During the programme,  a technical session cum seminar was conducted on 06.10.2017 by NSIC on NSIC Schemes. During session on 06.10.2017, Director (P&M) NSIC was present and delivered a speech.

<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 11, 2017 </font></p>

A National Vendor Development Programme was organised by MSME DI, Okhla in association with NSIC on 6th & 7th Oct.2017. During the programme, a technical session cum seminar was conducted on 06.10.2017 by NSIC on NSIC Schemes. During session on 06.10.2017, Director (P&M) NSIC was present and delivered a speech. <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 11, 2017 </font></p>

11 Oct 2017

NSIC sign MOU with MEPMA

An MOU was signed for Employment through Skill Training and Placement of Urban Un-employed Youth under Placement Linked Skill Training Programme of (DAY-NULM) MEPMA, between Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas (MEPMA), Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department, Govt. of Telangana represented by its Mission Director Dr. T. K. Sreedevi, IAS and The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.-NSIC, New Delhi represented by Chairman cum Managing Director Sh. Ravindra Nath, on 7th October 2017 at Hyderabad. MOU was signed in presence of Sh. Satvinder Singh, CGM (Technology), Sh. K Srinivas, Zonal Head, South-II, Sh. A B Prabhu Raj, GM, NTSC Hyderabad & Sh. N Madana Mohan, DGM, NTSC Hyderabad and MEPMA representatives. This MOU will strengthen NSICs sponsored training activities and fulfill its commitment to train more & more trainees and provide them employment. Under this MOU, NTSC Hyderabad proposes to train the Urban Un-employed Youth in 18 different Skill Development training programs and will provide placement assistance through Job Fairs to be organized once in every two months.

<a target="_blank"

href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1574120975959243/1574120619292612/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view  more images.</p></font></a>

<p align="right">
<font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 11, 2017 </font></p>

An MOU was signed for Employment through Skill Training and Placement of Urban Un-employed Youth under Placement Linked Skill Training Programme of (DAY-NULM) MEPMA, between Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas (MEPMA), Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department, Govt. of Telangana represented by its Mission Director Dr. T. K. Sreedevi, IAS and The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.-NSIC, New Delhi represented by Chairman cum Managing Director Sh. Ravindra Nath, on 7th October 2017 at Hyderabad. MOU was signed in presence of Sh. Satvinder Singh, CGM (Technology), Sh. K Srinivas, Zonal Head, South-II, Sh. A B Prabhu Raj, GM, NTSC Hyderabad & Sh. N Madana Mohan, DGM, NTSC Hyderabad and MEPMA representatives. This MOU will strengthen NSICs sponsored training activities and fulfill its commitment to train more & more trainees and provide them employment. Under this MOU, NTSC Hyderabad proposes to train the Urban Un-employed Youth in 18 different Skill Development training programs and will provide placement assistance through Job Fairs to be organized once in every two months. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1574120975959243/1574120619292612/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600"><p align="right">Click here to view more images.</p></font></a> <p align="right"> <font color="#A9A9A9" align="right">Oct 11, 2017 </font></p>

11 Oct 2017