
National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Facilitating the Growth of Small Enterprise since 1955


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Director (P&M), NSIC meets with President & Secretary of TIDITSSIA

Sh. P Udayakumar, Director(P&M) had a meeting with President & Secretary of Tiruchirapalli District Tiny and Small Industries Association (TIDITSSIA) on                               17th May,2016 to discuss the  business scenario with  BHEL , Tiruchi  and for  expanding the business with the other  local  PSUs  and Defence establishments. 

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Sh. P Udayakumar, Director(P&M) had a meeting with President & Secretary of Tiruchirapalli District Tiny and Small Industries Association (TIDITSSIA) on 17th May,2016 to discuss the business scenario with BHEL , Tiruchi and for expanding the business with the other local PSUs and Defence establishments. <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

07 Jun 2016

Shri Kalraj Mishra, Hon`ble Minister of MSME with his Team,on completion of Two years of Prime Minister Narender Modi Government in office .

Shri Kalraj Mishra, Hon`ble Minister of MSME with his Team,on completion of Two years of Prime Minister Narender Modi Government in office . Present on this ocassion Shri K.K.Jalan,Secretary,MSME, Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC ,Shri S.N.Tripathi,AS&DC (MSME),Shri Manoj Joshi, Joint Secretary,MSME and Shri Gaurav Dwivedi ,CEO,MyGov.in .The Hon`ble Minister interacted live on MyGov.in and highlighted Two years of achievement of Ministry of Micro,Small & Medium Enterprises.

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Shri Kalraj Mishra, Hon`ble Minister of MSME with his Team,on completion of Two years of Prime Minister Narender Modi Government in office . Present on this ocassion Shri K.K.Jalan,Secretary,MSME, Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD,NSIC ,Shri S.N.Tripathi,AS&DC (MSME),Shri Manoj Joshi, Joint Secretary,MSME and Shri Gaurav Dwivedi ,CEO,MyGov.in .The Hon`ble Minister interacted live on MyGov.in and highlighted Two years of achievement of Ministry of Micro,Small & Medium Enterprises. <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

30 May 2016

Training Program on Human Skills Enhancement NSIC organized a Training program on Human Skills Enhancement for its Group C and D employees

Training Program on Human Skills Enhancement NSIC organized a Training program on Human Skills Enhancement for its Group C and D employees on 27-28th May 2016 wherein 50 employees from various NSIC branch offices participated. The program was inaugurated by Shri A.K.Mittal,CGM(SG)(HRM/IA/MIS),NSIC in the presence of Shri ManojLal,GM and Ms.Hina Sharma,AM(Trg.).The program encouraged the participants to give focus on Attitudinal Change, Positive Thinking ,Personal Branding for the organization, Business Etiquette, Image Management, Personal and Public Hygiene and Cleanliness. Energy Conservation methods in day to day work, water saving Tips etc. Tree Plantation by the participants was also done to celebrate the forthcoming World Environment Day.

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Training Program on Human Skills Enhancement NSIC organized a Training program on Human Skills Enhancement for its Group C and D employees on 27-28th May 2016 wherein 50 employees from various NSIC branch offices participated. The program was inaugurated by Shri A.K.Mittal,CGM(SG)(HRM/IA/MIS),NSIC in the presence of Shri ManojLal,GM and Ms.Hina Sharma,AM(Trg.).The program encouraged the participants to give focus on Attitudinal Change, Positive Thinking ,Personal Branding for the organization, Business Etiquette, Image Management, Personal and Public Hygiene and Cleanliness. Energy Conservation methods in day to day work, water saving Tips etc. Tree Plantation by the participants was also done to celebrate the forthcoming World Environment Day. <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

30 May 2016

NSIC intensifies cleanliness campaigns under Swachhta Abhiyaan

During  “Swachhta Abhiyaan” from 01st May to 31st  May, 2016 NSIC intensified cleanliness campaign in its offices located all over the country. Cleanliness drive is also being undertaken by NSIC offices across the country at various locations at industrial areas and other public places.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1100548213316524/1100548029983209/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
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During “Swachhta Abhiyaan” from 01st May to 31st May, 2016 NSIC intensified cleanliness campaign in its offices located all over the country. Cleanliness drive is also being undertaken by NSIC offices across the country at various locations at industrial areas and other public places. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1100548213316524/1100548029983209/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

27 May 2016

Shri Ravindra Nath,CMD, NSIC interacted with Officials of Federation of Small & Medium Industries (FOSMI), West Bengal

Shri Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC interacted with Shri Biswanath Bhattacharjee, President & other members of Federation of Small & Medium Industries(FOSMI), West Bengal during his recent visit to Kolkata and apprised them about various initiatives taken by NSIC for enhancing the competitiveness of MSMEs. FOSMI appreciated the various activities undertaken by NSIC for the development of the MSMEs in the country especially for support and quality of service delivery being provided to their members. They also praised NSIC’s Rapid Incubation Program for creating self-employment opportunities for the youth / school pass out.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1099419626762716/1099418993429446/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90/>

Shri Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC interacted with Shri Biswanath Bhattacharjee, President & other members of Federation of Small & Medium Industries(FOSMI), West Bengal during his recent visit to Kolkata and apprised them about various initiatives taken by NSIC for enhancing the competitiveness of MSMEs. FOSMI appreciated the various activities undertaken by NSIC for the development of the MSMEs in the country especially for support and quality of service delivery being provided to their members. They also praised NSIC’s Rapid Incubation Program for creating self-employment opportunities for the youth / school pass out. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1099419626762716/1099418993429446/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

25 May 2016

Delegation from Angola visits NSIC Incubation Center at Okhla, New Delhi

A delegation from Angola led by H.E.Gen Candido Peteira dos Santos Van-Dunem, Minister of Ex servicemen & Veterans of the Homeland visited NSIC Incubation Center at Okhla, New Delhi on 5th May,2016. Shri P.Udayakumar, Director(P&M) along with Mr. Satvinder Singh, Sr.General Manager(Technology) received the delegation in the centre.<br/>
After taking tour to the Incubation center, the delegates interacted with NSIC officials and expressed their desire to set up similar center in Angola for the development of self entrepreneurship.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1094317877272891/1094317500606262/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90/>

A delegation from Angola led by H.E.Gen Candido Peteira dos Santos Van-Dunem, Minister of Ex servicemen & Veterans of the Homeland visited NSIC Incubation Center at Okhla, New Delhi on 5th May,2016. Shri P.Udayakumar, Director(P&M) along with Mr. Satvinder Singh, Sr.General Manager(Technology) received the delegation in the centre.<br/> After taking tour to the Incubation center, the delegates interacted with NSIC officials and expressed their desire to set up similar center in Angola for the development of self entrepreneurship. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1094317877272891/1094317500606262/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

17 May 2016

NSIC Participates in Vendor Development Programme

Sh. P Udayakumar, Director (P&M), NSIC delivered the keynote address during the Vendor Development Programme held on 7th May, 2016 at Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai.  In his speech, Director (P&M) elaborated on the role played by NSIC in developing the vendor base for PSUs and Govt agencies like ICF.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1094313130606699/1094313013940044/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90/>

Sh. P Udayakumar, Director (P&M), NSIC delivered the keynote address during the Vendor Development Programme held on 7th May, 2016 at Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai. In his speech, Director (P&M) elaborated on the role played by NSIC in developing the vendor base for PSUs and Govt agencies like ICF. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1094313130606699/1094313013940044/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

17 May 2016

NSIC bags ADFIAP Award -2016 – It’s First International Award

Mr. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC, received “ADFIAP AWARD-2016” conferred by Association of Developing Financing Institution of Asia & Pacific on NSIC in recognition of its significant contribution for SME development through Raw Material Distribution- Benefit Cost Project for SMEs by providing stable access to inventory of raw materials at most competitive prices.  Award was presented in the award ceremony held at Samoa. Hon’ble Prime Minister of Samoa also addressed the participants during the Ceremony.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1085797391458273/1085797304791615/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1089690084402337/1089689587735720/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
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Mr. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC, received “ADFIAP AWARD-2016” conferred by Association of Developing Financing Institution of Asia & Pacific on NSIC in recognition of its significant contribution for SME development through Raw Material Distribution- Benefit Cost Project for SMEs by providing stable access to inventory of raw materials at most competitive prices. Award was presented in the award ceremony held at Samoa. Hon’ble Prime Minister of Samoa also addressed the participants during the Ceremony. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1085797391458273/1085797304791615/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1089690084402337/1089689587735720/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90/>

03 May 2016

Association of NSIC with Carl Zeiss India Pvt.Ltd.

NSIC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Carl Zeiss India Pvt. Ltd. on 25th April, 2016 at Bengaluru with an objective to impart joint training in areas of Industrial Metrology.
Under the MoU, Carl Zeiss will provide precision machines like Contura G2, Contour tester and Surface Roughness tester in the premises of NSIC-Technical Service Centre, Okhla for imparting training as per requirement of Industry.
During the signing of MoU, Mr. Ravindra Nath, CMD,  Mr. Satvinder Singh, Sr. General Manager & Mr. P. Ravi Kumar, Zonal General Manager from NSIC and Mr. Daniel Sims, Managing Director, Mr. Wilson Thomos, Director &  COO, Mr. Ravi Kumar,VP, Mr. Anuj Kalra, Director and CFO and Mr. Prabhakar Kikkeri, Technical Officer from Carl Zeiss India Pvt. Ltd.  were present. 

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1081584025212943/1081583545212991/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90

NSIC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Carl Zeiss India Pvt. Ltd. on 25th April, 2016 at Bengaluru with an objective to impart joint training in areas of Industrial Metrology. <br/><br/> Under the MoU, Carl Zeiss will provide precision machines like Contura G2, Contour tester and Surface Roughness tester in the premises of NSIC-Technical Service Centre, Okhla for imparting training as per requirement of Industry. <br/><br/> During the signing of MoU, Mr. Ravindra Nath, CMD, Mr. Satvinder Singh, Sr. General Manager & Mr. P. Ravi Kumar, Zonal General Manager from NSIC and Mr. Daniel Sims, Managing Director, Mr. Wilson Thomos, Director & COO, Mr. Ravi Kumar,VP, Mr. Anuj Kalra, Director and CFO and Mr. Prabhakar Kikkeri, Technical Officer from Carl Zeiss India Pvt. Ltd. were present. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1081584025212943/1081583545212991/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90

26 Apr 2016

Annual Review Conference of NSIC Inaugurated

NSIC’s Annual Review Conference was held from 17th April, 2016 to 19th April, 2016 at Agra. Shri Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC welcomed Dr. Krishan Kumar Jalan, Secretary, MSME by giving a bouquet of flowers. Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (Plng. & Mkt), NSIC welcomed Shri Manoj Joshi, Joint Secretary (SME) to the Annual review conference. Dr. Krishan Kumar Jalan inaugurated the conference by lighting the lamp.<br/>
The meeting envisages to review the progress made by different offices of NSIC during the FY 2015-16 and setting up new targets for the FY 2016-17.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1081485418556137/1081480701889942/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90

NSIC’s Annual Review Conference was held from 17th April, 2016 to 19th April, 2016 at Agra. Shri Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC welcomed Dr. Krishan Kumar Jalan, Secretary, MSME by giving a bouquet of flowers. Shri P. Udayakumar, Director (Plng. & Mkt), NSIC welcomed Shri Manoj Joshi, Joint Secretary (SME) to the Annual review conference. Dr. Krishan Kumar Jalan inaugurated the conference by lighting the lamp.<br/> The meeting envisages to review the progress made by different offices of NSIC during the FY 2015-16 and setting up new targets for the FY 2016-17. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1081485418556137/1081480701889942/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90

26 Apr 2016

NSIC organizes Interactive Meet with African Head of Missions

Shri Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Union Minister of MSME, Government of India, congratulated Shri Ravindra Nath, Chairman and Managing Director, NSIC for organizing a successful interactive meeting with the Heads of Missions and their representatives of 19 African countries.  Dr. Neena Malhotra, JS (E&SA), Ministry of External Affairs along with Under Secretary (E&SA) was also present.
In the said meeting, the delegates were briefed about NSIC’s activities in promoting & developing MSMEs and taken around NSIC’s Rapid Incubation Center for showing NSIC’s model for development of ‘self-entrepreneurship’ among the youth.
The delegates were impressed with model of NSIC’s Rapid Incubation and expressed desire to set up similar center(s) in their country. <br>
<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1070305083007504/1070297936341552/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90

Shri Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Union Minister of MSME, Government of India, congratulated Shri Ravindra Nath, Chairman and Managing Director, NSIC for organizing a successful interactive meeting with the Heads of Missions and their representatives of 19 African countries. Dr. Neena Malhotra, JS (E&SA), Ministry of External Affairs along with Under Secretary (E&SA) was also present. <br><br> In the said meeting, the delegates were briefed about NSIC’s activities in promoting & developing MSMEs and taken around NSIC’s Rapid Incubation Center for showing NSIC’s model for development of ‘self-entrepreneurship’ among the youth. <br><br> The delegates were impressed with model of NSIC’s Rapid Incubation and expressed desire to set up similar center(s) in their country. <br> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1070305083007504/1070297936341552/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90

08 Apr 2016

Sh. Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Minister for MSME inaugurated solar lights/ high mast street lights and RO water purifier plant at Deoria

Sh. Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Minister for MSME inaugurated solar lights/ high mast street lights and RO water purifier plant at Payasi village of Deoria under CSR initiatives of NSIC. On this occasion Sh. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC, Sh. Ravindra Kushwaha, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) – Salempur (U.P.), Sh. Janmejai Singh, MLA, Deoria were also present.

<a target="_blank"  href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1065630033475009/1065628546808491/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view  more images.</font></a>
<img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg  height=80 WIDTH=90

Sh. Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Minister for MSME inaugurated solar lights/ high mast street lights and RO water purifier plant at Payasi village of Deoria under CSR initiatives of NSIC. On this occasion Sh. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC, Sh. Ravindra Kushwaha, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) – Salempur (U.P.), Sh. Janmejai Singh, MLA, Deoria were also present. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/NSICLTD/photos/pcb.1065630033475009/1065628546808491/?type=3&theater"><font color="#FF6600">Click here to view more images.</font></a> <img ALIGN=right src=/images/61annyear.jpg height=80 WIDTH=90

01 Apr 2016